Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Busy, and Tired...

Man, I can't believe that I haven't been around to say anything lately. Well, I can... my excuse has been "When I get those pictures of the camera, I'll post." So, I got the pictures off the camera, but didn't bother uploading them... so I'm just going to post.

School is in full swing... we've started the 2nd six weeks & should be getting a report card tomorrow. Aidan typically does really well, but his conduct this first go round might be hurting. We've had a few notes come home already, and we are working on better conduct & attitudes towards authorities. Truitt won't get grades since he is still in Pre-K, but I'm sure he is doing fine.

I'm about to hit week 37 in my pregnancy. Still no idea if this baby is a boy or a girl. I do have another ultrasound on Thursday morning to check and see how LARGE this kid is going to be. We've almost decided it would be worth waiting the 2 more weeks until delivery to find out the gender; we've made it this far, what's a couple of more days? I'm ready to be done... that's where the TIRED is coming from in the title. My hips hurt so much that I can't seem to get comfortable at night for a decent night's sleep. "Only a few more weeks" is my new mantra. Dr. G has acted like he will induce around the 16th or 17th of October... we will probably decide a more specific date after the ultrasound on Thursday.

BUSY... that describes life right now. Who would've thought 2 kids in sports could kill so much of your week? Aidan is playing baseball (machine pitch) and Truitt is playing soccer. So Tues, Wed, & Thurs nights are shot for us running between practices & church. To add fun to the mix, Aidan has a few Friday night ball games... which kills that evening for us. Truitt's soccer games are at 8:00am on Saturday (who's bright idea was that????), and Aidan plays baseball at either 9:00am or 11:00am. It really doesn't leave much time for much else during the week, but I don't think I'd trade it for anything. I enjoy watching the games & it seems Fred is having fun coaching.

Well, hopefully in another day or so I will come on and do some more updates after my ultrasound & appointment. Also, Aidan turned 7 a week ago, and with our "busy-ness" we are just now getting to have a party this coming weekend. Maybe these pictures will make it to the blog.

I've got plenty to say... I guess I just need to get around to saying it.